Our documentary film "Tai Chi Club" was selected to screen at Big Apple Film Festival! on Tuesday, Aug.27, at 8:45pm at Cinepolis Chelsea, New York City for its world premiere! Thank you to those who helped to make this film possible!
Tai Chi Club Trailer
A Chinese immigrant woman discovers her native culture through a historic New York City's Tai Chi Club. The film tells the Club's stories along its long journey as one of the oldest Tai Chi Clubs in America.
A Chinese immigrant woman discovers her native culture through a historic New York City's Tai Chi Club. The film tells the Club's stories along its long journey as one of the oldest Tai Chi Clubs in America.
A Documentary Film "Whirling Circles"
Discovering the beauty, the power, martial art, and mysticism of Ba Gua Zhang through the journey of a New York Internal Martial Arts Club.
Watching worldwide on Vimeo
Watching worldwide on Vimeo